We are excited to feature a beloved patient, Lennea, who visited Dr. Michael Kuzma of Kuzma Advanced Dentistry to relieve her painful TMJ symptoms. Having tried other methods to relieve chronic pain, Lennea was determined to find a solution with lasting results.

When Lennea first visited Dr. Kuzma, she told us she had been suffering daily TMJ headaches and jaw pain, which were affecting her busy life and leaving her feeling frustrated, defeated, and unable to enjoy a full life with family, friends, and loved ones.

First, Medical History and Diagnostic Evaluation

After a thorough evaluation to learn about her symptoms and reviewing Lennea’s medical history, Dr. Kuzma knew it was time to pinpoint exactly what areas of the jaw were the source of the painful symptoms Lennea was suffering.

  • 3D Imaging was used to examine the jaw joints
  • Surface electromyography tested for muscular function, including hyperactivity, fatigue, and overuse
  • Digital bite force analysis gave us an exact impression of Lennea’s bite problems

When you have a misaligned bite as Lennea did, your jaw is forced to work much harder than it should to protect your teeth from damage a misaligned bite (malocclusion) causes.

Lennea’s Treatment

An oral appliance was custom-designed and fabricated to allow Lennea to function throughout the day. A nighttime oral appliance gently moved her jaw into its optimal position while she slept. As her symptoms lessened, modifications were made to her oral appliances, and her symptoms continually improved. Oral appliance therapy is highly effective, affordable, and easy to manage. No surgery, narcotic medication, or lengthy appointments in your dentist’s office make oral appliance treatment the best option for many of our patients.

More About Lennea

In addition to benefitting from neuromuscular dentistry and TMJ treatment, Leanna had some cosmetic dentistry procedures done to enhance her smile, which had minor flaws.

Dr. Kuzma and Lennea, working together and discussing problems and goals, designed the smile she had envisioned. Amazing cosmetic dentistry technology allows us to show you exactly what changes we will make to make your smile beautiful.

With a new healthy bite that allowed Lennea to live pain-free, it was time to transform her smile into the one she had always dreamed about having. Using porcelain crowns and dental veneers, Dr. Kuzma produced a dazzling smile that Lennea was thrilled with!

TMJ Treatment Combined with Cosmetic Dentistry Changes Lives

Lennea’s perfectly aligned bite reversed years of damage to her teeth and jaw, and Dr. Kuzma’s skillful cosmetic dentistry hands produced a smile Lennea was proud to show off to family and friends. No more headaches to deal with every day, and Lennea could start enjoying life again after many years of pain.

Lennea’s TMJ pain was not just physical. Dealing with daily pain affects all parts of your life and limits how much enjoyment you can experience in day-to-day living. It takes a mental toll that significantly affects your quality of life.

TMJ treatment has changed many lives, and cosmetic dentistry has restored the smiles and self-confidence of hundreds of people in and around this area. Suppose you’re suffering the painful symptoms of TMJ or want a whiter, brighter, more beautiful smile. In that case, Dr. Kuzma is the best choice because of his lengthy education and extensive training in several areas of dentistry.

Dr. Kuzma’s Reaction to Lennea’s Transformation

“Lennea is a perfect example of why we love to do what we do! To help a patient who has been suffering from pain for over 20 years and completely eliminate her pain while giving her the smile of her dreams” is something that makes our work so enjoyable. Dr. Kuzma has always said, “Your Total Wellness is our Total Focus.”

Learn More About How Dr. Kuzma Can Change Your Life

Please call (910) 392-6060 to speak to someone at Dr. Kuzma’s office in Wilmington, North Carolina, to schedule an appointment or ask any questions. Why suffer another day with the painful symptoms of TMJ? Why not have the smile you’ve always dreamed about? You may also fill out our online contact form to request an appointment or ask questions.