Gum Disease Treatment
One loose tooth is nothing to panic about, and that seemingly hopeless tooth may be saved with Dr. Kuzma’s gum disease treatment in Wilmington, NC. If your gums are receding and there has been bone loss, that doesn’t mean that it is lost forever.
With gum disease treatment, Dr. Kuzma’s team can clean out the infection around your tooth, which will promote healing in that area. Depending on the progression of your gum disease, we can splint the loose tooth or teeth to natural teeth that are secure and stable. This process can help stabilize the loose teeth and give them time to heal. This procedure is much more affordable than the dental implant procedure and can work for some people.
With gum disease treatment, we’re preserving your natural smile, and the tooth will look like it previously did. If it is unsightly or your gum disease is too far progressed, we can discuss other tooth replacement options. In some cases, the infection is so serious that Dr. Kuzma may have to remove teeth to control the risk of infection spreading.
Root Canal Therapy (Endodontic Treatment)
If your tooth is threatened by an infection inside the tooth, we recommend root canal therapy. Please keep in mind that root canals today are much easier than root canals of yesteryear. If you remember your parents or grandparents telling horror stories about root canals, times have changed.
In a root canal, your tooth will be reinforced and topped with a dental crown. The success rate for root canal therapy is comparable to that for dental implants, and it has the benefit of retaining your natural tooth. The dental crown will improve the beauty of the tooth, too!
If you need to replace the treated tooth later, you will usually be able to get a dental implant, and in the meantime, you get to enjoy the benefits of having a natural tooth rather than an implant. This treatment is another more affordable replacement option if you’re not a candidate for dental implants in Wilmington, NC.
Dr. Kuzma will explain that if the root is damaged, we don’t recommend a root canal. Sometimes an infected tooth can be a serious risk and needs to be extracted right away; extraction is best for badly damaged or seriously infected teeth. After a thorough evaluation, Dr. Kuzma will explain which tooth replacement option will work best for you.
Dental Bridge
If you can’t save the tooth with either gum disease treatment or root canal therapy, you can often get a dental bridge; a dental bridge in Wilmington, NC, will perform a similar function as a dental implant above the gumline. We’ll use dental crowns on healthy surrounding teeth to support the dental bridge.
Dental bridges are fully fixed in your mouth; they will not slip as dentures might. Also, your diet will not be affected, as is the case with dentures. For these reasons, dental bridges are a popular tooth replacement option for those who may not be a good candidate for dental implants. You might be surprised to learn that many of your friends and neighbors in Wilmington have a dental bridge!
Unlike dental implants, dental bridges don’t stimulate your jawbone and gums; this is not problematic for most people. However, the lack of a tooth root could cause the collapse of the gums under the replacement tooth, resulting in skin changes.
Additionally, if the supporting teeth aren’t healthy and strong, they may be put at risk by having a dental bridge placed over them because the two supporting teeth are now being asked to do the work of three. If you’re not a great candidate for a dental bridge, Dr. Kuzma will explain why and discuss other tooth replacement options.
Denture Fountain of Youth®
FOY® dentures are the most advanced, most beautiful dentures available today. If this type of tooth replacement option is recommended for you, you’ll enjoy a beautiful new smile with gorgeous dentures that stay put and allow you to enjoy most of the foods and drinks you enjoyed previously.
The Denture Fountain of Youth® are ceramic teeth made out of a material similar to the one used to make porcelain veneers; the material mimics real tooth enamel. With this tooth replacement option, your smile can be made to look like your natural smile, or we can design the smile you’ve always dreamed of having.
Alternatives to Tooth Implants in Wilmington, NC
If you’re facing tooth loss, there are numerous alternatives to dental implants now being offered. Please call Kuzma Advanced Dentistry (910) 392-6060, or fill out our online contact form. One of our dental team members will reach out to answer questions or schedule a new patient appointment.